3 घंटे बालकनी में लॉक हुई ये एक्ट्रेस, मच्छरों ने काट कर दिया ये हाल

The last night (Monday) was very painful for Bollywood actress Eli Ankam. In fact, they were sitting in their balcony and the lock of the balcony was locked. The door did not open after quite a lot of fun. During this, mosquitoes attacked them and cut them off by cutting them off.

Eli said that for the help, he called his medicine about 10 times.

After making so many calls, Eli's Med Received his call and they got out.

- The light of the balcony was also closed so they had to stay in the dark.

After making so many calls to Med, his phone battery was also lost.

 Eli had a debut in Bollywood with Mikey Virus. After this she appeared in films like 'Kis ki ki ki ki poar kunoon', 'Poster Boys' and 'Nam Shabana'.
