प्यार करना तो कोई हनी सिंह से सीखे,True Love देखे..

The name of Yo Yo Honey Singh is named Famous Hirke Singh (Real Name) on March 15, 35 years old. Their songs are all crazy but if talk of love life, very few people are aware of it. In Reel Life, Honey Singh, who is always singing Gallegalong and Controversial Song, is quite agreeable in Real Life. Not many people know that his wife Shalini Talwar had become a girlfriend only in school days and after 20 years of marriage, both have married

Hiray Yi Yo Yo Honey Singh is counted among the most popular rapper singers of today's generation.

Honey's family living in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, settled in Delhi several years ago.

- Here the parents got admission in Guru Nanak Public School and this is where they met Shalini from Delhi itself.

After schooling, Honey Singh went to London for a degree in music. But the distance relationship between the two remained.
