यहां रोज भगवान की आरती उतारती है हथि‍नी, मुस्ल‍िम रखते हैं ख्याल और..

Holi's Dhoom has started in the city of Mathura in Krishna. You are going to tell about a temple of Kanha in Mathura, where Hathini God makes aarti. Not only does this work to wake God by ringing a bell.

Raman Revati Temple is the only temple in Gokul of Mathura, where God's aarti takes off the hand.

- Muslim Mahatat Salim Khan and Amjad Khan all the time handi, whose name is Radha that is engaged in supervision. Due to Radha (Hathini), both the Muslim Mahatts join the Lord's Aarti with them in the morning and evening, and also arrange the orbits of the temple.

During this time everybody touches the feet of Radha and gives the gift of offering to Dakshina. Radha also gives Dakshina to her Mahavit's hand. He keeps holding the rupees from his trunk till then, until Mahavat takes it.
