एक IDEA से सालभर में 2 करोड़ रुपए कमाता है ये गांव

Delhi's IIT has changed the glass Bhatis, making it easier for the craftsmen to make the chadia at 1400 degree centigrade temperature. With this, the problem of gas has also been overcome. At the same time, the risk of health is also reduced. It is worth mentioning that in the upper village of Nadbai, green chadioes of glass are made

There are supplies in adjacent districts including Chadian districts, but the craftsmen working on glass furnaces had huge problems.

With the increased consumption of fuel in these furnaces, the smoke coming from them had adverse effects on their health. At the same time, glass poisonous gas also caused many diseases to reduce the age of the person working on the furnaces to 40 to 45 years.

- In view of the problem of artisans, the Lupine Foundation contacted the Rural Technology Action Group of IIT, New Delhi for a change in place of traditional furnaces. IITIAN produced the most modern furnaces there.
