देर रात पब की पार्किंग में कर रहे थे ऐसा काम, डिक्की में मिला ये सामान

Late night, police detained five boys who had been drinking and selling narcotics in a parking lot. The arrested youth was sitting in the car, hookah was a gossamer. When the police checked the car trunk, there were many flavored hookahs in it. It is noteworthy that the administration has banned hookahs. When the police started taking them to the police station after catching, one of the youth tried to talk to a senior officer about the phone. The police is interrogating them.

- At night the police patrol reached a multi located on the Palasia intersection, a pub is operated on the upper floor of this multi. Just as soon as a police car reached the parking lot, some boys ran away and suddenly went away. The police followed them and saw them running, some of them had hookah in their hands.
